Blog Posts by PHDren

Added: 2020-07-17 19:31:05
# Link to the post in PHDren's Blog
Long time i didn't post anything in this site. I working more with Furry Fandom at the moment so i can't post my works here. and i didn't drawing a lot of fanarts as i used to do in the past. Put if someone still want me for commisions PM me :)
Discussion: (4 comments)
Added: 2019-11-13 16:21:53
# Link to the post in PHDren's Blog
WOW! I was away from the site for a while and now that i come back, i have to say the layout is gorgeous! Congratulations for the programmers ^^. Well, i'm back, if someone interesed for commission, please send PMs
Discussion: (0 comments)
Added: 2019-08-20 03:00:41
# Link to the post in PHDren's Blog
I did that average shading art in a record time (31 minutes) just doing the concept doodles in paper and then scaning to Krita. Unfortunely, my experience in paper art are way higher than digital artist. so i'll do the next coms using paper draw as base. ;3 ( Just until i buy a digital drawing table with screen lol)
Discussion: (0 comments)
Added: 2019-08-18 13:58:09
# Link to the post in PHDren's Blog
I was thinking in create some exclusive content for the Whentai and put white a cheap lock price to unlock, so even if i don't have commission, i'll be motivated to create content for the site. Or maybe create requests people ask but can be able to put votes but putting the cheap lock. I don't know yet, because i don't know people will be able to pay 2 EV to see. what you guys think?
Discussion: (5 comments)
  • 2019-08-18 15:29:47

    I think it would be perfectly reasonable to release some exclusive whentai pics that can be unlocked for cheap. Not sure how willing people are to spend their EVs though since whentai charges us out the ass for them. Anything more than about 2EVs for a pic probably won't fly I think.

    That said, the alternative is releasing them for "free" and netting nothing, so it's probably worth a shot.

  • 2019-08-18 15:31:34

    Perfectly reasonable* good dammit. These posts need an edit function, whentai should hire a proper web-designer instead of whatever donkey did this current mess.

  • 2019-08-18 15:33:31

    Wtf why is "s - o - n" censored by the site? ┐( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)┌

  • 2019-08-18 16:32:20

    probably to avoid the "sunavabish" bad word. and thankyou for the help :3

  • 2019-08-19 02:20:01

    Its to prevent content requests that are not allowed. Though flawed with any word containing s0n in them.

Added: 2019-08-04 20:38:34
# Link to the post in PHDren's Blog
The day i tried to work with Safe For Work art...
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2019-08-05 04:48:25

    Don't worry about it I believe in you bro

  • 2019-08-06 14:19:43

    heheheh thanks XD

Added: 2019-07-27 03:01:51
# Link to the post in PHDren's Blog
Celebrating the back of the blog, here's a quickie showing the history of my life lol
Discussion: (3 comments)
  • 2019-07-28 09:11:37

    I may just have to send you an Erza commish for that futa gag alone.

  • 2019-07-28 15:34:06

    Congrats and The artwork is awesome as always

  • 2019-07-31 01:58:06

    Heheh thankyou everyone ^^. And i open for futa erza scarlets commissions lol

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